About Twinning
The goal of twinning is to promote friendships between countries, friendships which allow people to come to know and understand other cultures, and, through friendship, contribute to peace and goodwill all throughout the world.
Many now realise that only good can come of meetings between peoples of different nationalities who wish to exchange ideas freely and seek common interests and experiences. Twinning is now widespread, Britain alone has some 1500 twinning links with towns and cities worldwide.
Aims of the Haddington Twinning Association (HTA)
The aims of the HTA are:-
- To promote close and cordial relations between the people of Haddington and Aubigny-sur-Nere in the Cher region of France.
- To arrange and assist with exchange visits between their residents and school pupils.
- To encourage cultural relations of all kinds between the towns.
- To promote social and other activities, including the raising of funds.
In short, to become acquainted with the people of Aubigny and to forge the bonds of friendship between our two towns.
To achieve the above aims, the HTA committee would welcome the support and involvement of as many of the town's active Associations and residents as possible, including cultural, social and sporting organisations, local government officials, professional people, industrial and commercial enterprises, senior citizens, youth groups and schools.
Membership of the HTA is open to all persons who reside or have their place of work in Haddington and the surrounding area, or who used to live or work there, and to local organisations.
If you are interested, please contact the Secretary of the Association.
Haddington has much to offer its citizens in the way of activities and cultural societies, and the members of the committee hope you will agree that the Haddington twinning association should play an active part in the life of our town
For a general overview of Twinning, its history and goals, visit: Twin Towns and Sister Cities.